In Case You Missed It-February 2025 Policy Forum
If you were not able to attend February’s Policy Forum, you can view the recording and presentation slides below! You can also take a look at the resources and links below to get involved.
If you were not able to attend February’s Policy Forum, you can view the recording and presentation slides below! You can also take a look at the resources and links below to get involved.
Video also posted to FASD RESPECT Act Champions | Facebook Friday Five Friday Five Check out this short video I made at the end of 2024, showing me on a call with a Congressperson’s office asking for help scheduling a meeting. If your Congressperson’s office has not been receptive to Read more…
Friday Five Federal -Met with the offices of Speaker Johnson (LA) and Senator Cassidy (LA). Thank you to advocates for attending this meeting. Senator Cassidy Chairs the Senate HELP Committee, which has jurisdiction over the FASD Respect Act. -Senator Cassidy included the FASD Respect Act in a larger package of Read more…
Keeping up with policy changes can be overwhelming, but Friday Five makes it simple. Join us on Friday afternoons for bite-sized updates on the FASD Respect Act, news from the broader disability space, and ways to advocate, all in under five minutes. Friday Five will keep you in the loop—without Read more…
The Department of Labor’s Employment First initiative supports the idea that all people, including those with disabilities requiring increased supports, are deserving and capable of integrated participation in the general workforce. This approach incentivizes state and local governments to adopt practices that support Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE). In this case, Read more…
Before jumping into policy, Tom Donaldson, FASD United President and CEO reminded everyone of the upcoming International Research Conference on Adolescents and Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. This will be the 9th year of the conference, which was previously held in Vancouver. We hope you can join us in Read more…
February’s Virtual Policy Forum gave the FASD United Policy Team a chance to update advocates on the current status of the FASD Respect Act, as well as a few state-level policy initiatives. Before jumping into policy, Tom Donaldson, FASD United President and CEO reminded everyone of the upcoming International Research Read more…
In the January 2024 Policy forum, we rolled out legislative templates that can be used to create a mechanism for states to access federal funding for FASD as it becomes available. You can download the templates, get instructions, and see who else is working on state policy here: State Policy Read more…
DISCLAIMER: The article which this post is reporting on looked at policies related to alcohol and substance use only through 2016. Since 2016, some states have updated/changed their policies, which is not reflected in the article or this post. For example, North Carolina does, in fact, have a policy related Read more…
Assembly Bill 137 updates terminology from FAS to FASD and acknowledges FASD as a developmental disability. This is an important step toward expanding access to services for individuals with FASD.