Do you want to make a difference in policy in your state? Below are samples of state legislation and an executive order that, if enacted, could help your state take better advantage of federal funding. Note that these are templates and should be customized to your state.

Before getting started, we recommend the following:

  1. Watch the January 2024 Policy Forum for guidance on how to best use these templates.
  2. Check to see if any federal legislators from your state support the FASD Respect Act.
  3. Determine if your state already has an FASD advisory committee or if they have in the past.
  4. Check the map to see if anyone is working on state level policy in your state. If there is, join them! You can email Chris Melfi to get their contact information.
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Tips for success:

  • Find a champion in your state legislature
  • Meet with your state agencies and look for a prospective home for a state FASD program
  • Make a plan for outreach and have a way of tracking your outreach.
  • Advocacy is a team sport. Reach out to others and have them help.
  • Let FASD United know you are working on this, so we can help you direct other people interested in helping out to you. Email Chris Melfi ( to give us a heads up and add you to the map.

Examples of Legislation Passed by States