We are pleased to announce that Representative Pat Fallon [R-TX-4] has cosponsored HR.3946, the FASD Respect Act, getting us off to a great start in the final month of the year! Rep. Fallon cosponsored the bill during the 117th Congress after his staff met with advocates from Texas, and we are thrilled, and thankful, that he has cosponsored once again. Rep. Fallon is the seventh Congressperson from Texas to cosponsor, and we are incredibly impressed by the advocates who have made this possible.

With this latest endorsement, the FASD Respect Act has 44 cosponsors in the House of Representatives after being introduced six months ago. Compare this to 19 cosponsors through the first six months during the 117th Congress. This is a testament to the hard work of advocates nationwide and is certainly not an indication that we should be slowing down. On the contrary, it is as important as ever that we continue to meet with legislators and spread awareness about the FASD Respect Act.
If you could not attend November’s Virtual Policy Forum you can read about it, or view the recording, through this link. As always, we are here to help and you can reach us by emailing melfi@fasdunited.org or calling (202) 785-4585.