Co-sponsors for The FASD Respect Act continue to come in as advocates across the country are putting in the work to raise awareness and urge lawmakers to take action. The most recent co-sponsor of HR. 3946 is Rep. Yadira Caraveo [D-CO-08], bringing the total number of co-sponsors in the House to thirty-four. Rep. Caraveo was elected to the House of Representatives in 2022 and sworn into office in 2023, so she did not have chance to co-sponsor in the 117th Congress. Notably, Rep. Caraveo is a pediatrician, and we are thankful for her support not only as a legislator but also as a medical professional.

Thank you to all the advocates that have reached out to their legislators to discuss S. 1800/HR. 2946 The FASD Respect Act. The work you are doing is important and necessary, and we are here to help! If you would like assistance setting up or attending meetings with your legislators, please email