We hope to see you this Wednesday, January 29th, at 2 pm Eastern to welcome you to 2025 and the 119th Congress. Join us for a full recap of the work done during the 118th Congress, including passage through committees as well as lessons learned. It will be a busy year, and we have some exciting early news to share, so be sure to join us.

Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89258294486?pwd=QzJFZFpjNER3NzEzZDdUWTFxcVl4UT09

Meeting ID: 892 5829 4486

Passcode: 454311

This call is open to everyone, even if you’ve never made it to a policy forum call before.  Please share this invite with your networks.

Learn about current efforts and what has been working in the field.  Can’t attend?  This forum will be recorded and posted on www.nofaspolicycenter.org  

Questions?  Please reach out to Chris Melfi at 202-785-4585 or melfi@fasdunited.org

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