Another month has come and gone, and the November Policy Forum provided updates on the legislative journey of the FASD Respect Act, as well as other ways advocates can work towards actionable change. As always, you can find a recording of this month’s forum and the slides at the bottom of this post, and the video is also posted on the FASD United YouTube.

Organization Updates

Tom Donaldson, FASD United President and CEO, provided organization updates to begin the meeting. Appropriately, Tom expressed how thankful he and the rest of the team are for everyone who helps FASD United fulfill our vision of hope and mission of empowerment. FASD United saw a 100% increase in programmatic funds in 2023, which allows programs like the Family Navigator to connect individuals, families, and professionals across the country with the supports and resources they need. Support from individuals and families like you is also crucial, as it allows us to continue our policy work and fight to see the FASD Respect Act made into law!

Jenn Wisdahl, FASD United COO and Policy Team member, was pleased to announce that FASD United will be moving into a new office space in 2024. The ADA accessible office is still located in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, DC, and will serve as a welcoming and warm space for meetings, small training sessions, and the everyday operations of FASD United. In the meantime, all FASD United employees are working remotely, but you can still reach out via phone and email as you always have. Once the move is complete, the new mailing address will be 1054 31st Street NW #204, Washington, DC 20007. The FASD United team could not be more thankful to be able to move into this new home.

As we rapidly approach the Holiday Season, you can still purchase your 2023 Giving Season Ornament here. Jenn reminded participants that these ornaments are a great way to say thank you to legislators who took the time to meet with you or to raise awareness of FASD by gifting them to friends.

Also rapidly approaching is the 9th International Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD, hosted by the Hyatt Regency in Seattle, WA between April 11th and April 14th. FASD United has taken on the task of putting on this unique global FASD conference in close conjunction with the International Adult Leadership Collaborative (ALC) FASD Changemakers, a group of talented and dedicated individuals with FASD who are leaders in the community. Registration for this event will open soon, and you can receive updates by filling out this form. Currently, you can book your hotel at the special group rate here.

Affiliate Updates

Affiliate Network Director Susan Elsworth echoed Tom’s message of thankfulness by showing her gratitude for all the Affiliates have done this year. Families Rising (formerly NACAC) & University of Virginia Childrens Hospital are the newest members of the Affiliate Network, which continues to grow and spur collaboration among FASD focused organizations across the country.

Policy Updates

We are now up to 43 cosponsors in the House and 10 in the Senate. Jenn and Susan were on the Hill in early November to meet with legislators from Louisiana, Alabama, Washington, and other states to ensure the FASD Respect Act is in the best possible position to be included in any year-end package bills, like the SUPPORT Act. Currently, the FASD Respect Act is included in Sen. Cassidy’s markup of the SUPPORT Act, and we anticipate that the Chair of the Senate HELP Committee, Sen. Sanders, will include the FASD Respect Act in the final version of the Senate bill. The House’s version of the SUPPORT Act has already been passed and it did not include the FASD Respect Act in it. What this means is that for the FASD Respect Act to be included in the final version of the ratified SUPPORT Act members of the House must not object to its inclusion when they meet with members of the Senate during conference. This happens after the SUPPORT Act is passed through both the House and the Senate, and is when the two chambers resolve the differences between the two bills. Our goal is to make sure that the House will not object to the FASD Respect Act’s inclusion in the Senate’s SUPPORT Act.

If all of that information does not interest you, I have good news! Our primary goal is the same as it ever was: to spread awareness of the FASD Respect Act and to bring in as many cosponsors as we can. As always, we would love to help you in your advocacy journey in any way we can. Feel free to reach out to Chris Melfi in the FASD United Office at or by calling (202) 785-4585. We are already looking forward to our next Virtual Policy Forum on December 27th, and hope to see you there!

1 Comment

Rep. Pat Fallon of Texas Newest Cosponsor of HR.3946 – FASD United Policy And Training Center · December 1, 2023 at 1:45 pm

[…] If you could not attend November’s Virtual Policy Forum you can read about it, or view the rec… As always, we are here to help and you can reach us by emailing or calling (202) 785-4585. […]

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