Before jumping into policy, Tom Donaldson, FASD United President and CEO reminded everyone of the upcoming International Research Conference on Adolescents and Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. This will be the 9th year of the conference, which was previously held in Vancouver. We hope you can join us in Seattle, WA April 11-14!

FASD United Board Chair Susan Carlson and FASD United COO Jennifer Wisdahl traveled to Washinton, DC the week March 11th to discuss the appropriations process with key members of the Senate. For more information on the appropriations process and what we gained from these meetings check out minute 4:45 in the video below!
FASD United has streamlined the process of requesting a State Proclamation from your governor. If you are interested in submitting a request for an FASD Awareness Day/Month Proclamation you can reach out to Chris Melfi ( We can provide you with the submission deadline, process for submitting, submission requirements, and draft language. Already planning to submit? Let Chris know so he can update our Proclamation Map!
Similarly, if you are working on any legislation within your state, we can help connect you with other advocates looking to get involved. With your approval, we can add your state to our map and help coordinate efforts!