Friday Five


-Met with the offices of Speaker Johnson (LA) and Senator Cassidy (LA). Thank you to advocates for attending this meeting. Senator Cassidy Chairs the Senate HELP Committee, which has jurisdiction over the FASD Respect Act.

-Senator Cassidy included the FASD Respect Act in a larger package of bills called the SUPPORT Reauthorization Act in the 118th Congress.

-Meeting with Rep. Carter (GA) who Chairs the House Subcommittee on Health.


-Illinois State Rep. Davis met with a group of advocates for 1 hour to discuss a bill he introduced that mirrors provisions from the FASD Respect Act. Rep. Davis encouraged anyone from Illinois to voice their support for this bill as soon as it is referred out of committee. I will provide updates on this and ensure opportunities to advocate for this bill’s passage are communicated.

-Staff from Texas State Rep. Ana Hernandez’s office met with me to share his motivation for introducing HB 2219, which will include FASD as a qualifier for special ed services. The staffer mentioned that this is his personal favorite bill for this session and that he tries to influence his boss to introduce developmental disability legislation each session. It was also mentioned that he first became aware of Texas FASD advocacy after attending the Texas Council on Developmental Disabilities meeting in December 2024 where he heard a group of parents share what they know about FASD

Coming Up

-Meeting with Sen. Mullin (OK) on the Hill next week

-Meeting with the Bipartisan Policy Council to discuss their Child Welfare Initiative.

Please reach out with any questions or if you have FASD news to share!
