Welcome to FASD Awareness Month! Thanks to seventeen organizations from around the country we are able to do a little bit of celebrating. This batch includes seven organizations from North Carolina, seven from California, two from Massachusetts, and one from Georgia. As always, we appreciate that these organizations are making their voices heard and acknowledging the need for comprehensive FASD aware legislation. We are also appreciative of the advocates that have reached out to these organizations!


Violence Intervention Program CMHC


FASD Network of Northern California

McGowan Advocacy Group

Embracing The Brain

FASD Network of Southern California

Patricia Kasper, MA MTh, Training Services, LLC


J Herman Health and Life Insurance


Plymouth ENT

The Wandering Heart Project

North Carolina

Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center

First In Families of North Carolina

Peacehaven Community Farm

Mental Health Transformation Alliance

NC Collaborative for Children, Youth and Families

Foster Family Alliance of NC

Check for listings in your state or area and let your lawmakers know about the organizations in your area who think The FASD Respect Act should be passed this legislative session. Are you part of a business, group or organization that would endorse the FASD Respect Act? Click Here. Are you a person wanting to make a difference? Click Here.